How to cache an object in Next.js across requests and deployments
In today’s world, search engine optimization (SEO) feels like a battle. Websites compete to be in the top 10 results on search engines. One key factor that affects ranking is...
Expert insights on coding, software engineering, AI, and technology from a seasoned senior software developer with 18+ years of experience.
In today’s world, search engine optimization (SEO) feels like a battle. Websites compete to be in the top 10 results on search engines. One key factor that affects ranking is...
So I’m using Remirror 2 editor in a React component in a Nextjs app.
There are very good cloud services available to create background jobs in Nextjs serverless environments (such as Vercel or Netlify), however, they have a big problem. There is a function...
I recently started working on a project which is using .NET Core 3.1.
I started a new Nextjs project (Nextjs 14.1.0). I added discord.js to be able send a message to a discord channel.
So I learned this the hard way…
Cookie consent on websites refers to the practice of asking users for permission to collect and use their data through cookies.
An easy way to embed tweets in GitHub Pages without security concerns
Youtube allows you to embed videos in your website. It is said that having a rich content (like a video) in your website can have a positive impact on your...
Scalability is one of the aspects to make any system future-proof. In this blog post, I will share my learnings about what the scaling is in software deployment, the difference...
In a previous blog post, I discussed the differences between Coding, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. Now, I will share my recent learnings about Reinforcement Learning (RL) and explore its...
I’ve been a software consultant for almost a decade now and I wanna share with you what it means to be a software consultant and why I think everyone should...
I have been a software engineer and developer for more than a decade now. Writing code has always been a fun part of my day, generally it’s a way to...
We want to give our users a native experience on their platform of choice. A native experience is when an app looks the same and has the same features as...
Instead of publishing your dotnet application for each platform separately, there is a way to publish your app once as platform agnostic and run it on every platform easily.
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways,...
When writing a piece of code, There is parliament session going on in my mind. One party wants to maximise the code efficiency, performance and resource consumption while the other...
The idea of artificial intelligence has wondered us since the early days of the computer era. A computer software that assists us with our tasks, helps us to make better...
It all started in December 2019 .. When WHO was informed of unknown cases in Wuhan City, China. Since then, the world has experienced one of the biggest and longest...
From ASP.NET Web Forms to ASP.NET AJAX, then ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API, building an API has evolved massively. An API started from being a function you can run...
Azure AD is a common way of access control these days. OAuth is a well-known protocol that is used and expected from APIs. I found it tricky to integrate my...
API URLs are the front door of an API and it can play as a huge factor for users to whether choose your API. Here I share what I have...
If you have an Api that modifies the core data of a system, you need to log every call to that. In addition, If your system accepts input from a...
Apis are technically built for other softwares to interact with. But in reality, humans (developers) interact with it a lot too. It’s quite important for an Api to ease the...
How many newsletter emails are received everyday and don't get opened at all? Would it help the Earth If I unsubscribe from those I don't need anymore?
Some say it is a personal preference and it’s not a big deal. I’d say it is not a personal preference anymore to omit curly braces for single statement blocks...
With everything going on because of Covid-19 pandemic, there has been damages to various aspects of the world. From recession in countries’ economies to people struggling with jobs and even...
When software is being worked on by a team of engineers, to increase productivity and decrease dependency, they usually work on different features. That means each developer work on a...
Software engineers tend to move between projects and companies quite often and working on a codebase that someone else built months or even years ago, can be quite cumbersome
Program.cs is usually one of the files that get quite messy after a while in every .NET project. From then, developers will add code on top of all that mess...