How I Do dotnet core App Setup Elegantly
Program.cs is usually one of the files that get quite messy after a while in every .NET project. From then, developers will add code on top of all that mess or even worse create a new class and reference that in.
Here's a structure I found over years that helps me to keep app startup code readable and clean.
Generally there are 3 things to setup in Main function:
- Ingress appsettings and options (via appsettings files, environment variables or command line)
- Setup logging
- Setup ServiceProvider (dotnet core dependency injection)
I add Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting nuget package and use this in Main:
var hostBuilder = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder() .ConfigureAppConfiguration(AddSettings) .ConfigureServices(AddOptions) .ConfigureServices(AddServices); await builder.RunConsoleAsync();
CreateDefaultBuilder() creates and sets up all the 3 things above and return an IHostBuilder instance. IHostBuilder has couple of nice methods that accept lambda functions:
- ConfigureAppConfiguration: to add configurations related to the app
- ConfigureHostConfiguration: to add configurations related to the host itself (such as Kestrel, etc.)
- ConfigureServices: add classes to DI
I leverage those and divide my app startup code in these three nice methods:
private static void AddSettings(IConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder) { configurationBuilder .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true) .AddEnvironmentVariables(); }
private static void AddServices(HostBuilderContext context, IServiceCollection serviceCollection) { serviceCollection .AddTransient<,>() .AddSingleton<>();
private static void AddOptions(HostBuilderContext context, IServiceCollection serviceProvider) { var configuration = context.Configuration;
So what benefits do I get?
- Main method is clean and simple and shows the setup steps in high-level view
- It uses Options pattern to have configurations as objects. This provides all compile time checks and intelisense features.
- The amount of usage of stings is minimum. Therefore classes can be moved/renamed without worrying about app setup code.
What do you think?